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Better Health Chiropractic Blog

September 8, 2018

Someone recently said that sitting is the new smoking. Unfortunately, most of us are asked to sit for hours on end at office jobs, typing away at computers, sitting in meetings, and on our seemingly endless commutes. It’s hard to…

September 7, 2018

If you are one of the 80% of American’s who suffer from chronic low back pain, especially if that pain is caused by herniated discs, you might have tried everything possible to find pain relief, including exercises, massage, heat packs,…

September 6, 2018

If you are experiencing a sharp, shooting pain that starts at your lower back and goes down the back of your leg, you are probably experiencing the pain of sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the largest one in the body…

September 3, 2018

As much as we love the sweet taste of sugar, one thing is certain; it’s not good for our health. What is life, however, if we can’t enjoy all the great tastes and flavors that there are to experience in…

September 2, 2018

If you have a child with scoliosis or you suspect that they might have scoliosis, what you want right now are answers. This abnormal curvature of the spine can happen at any age, but it is most commonly found between…

September 1, 2018

You might not be aware of it, but the way you stand, sit, and even walk, have an impact on our health, well-being, and even our mood. Unless you are a professional dancer or in the military, where poor posture…

August 31, 2018

While many people think of arthritis as affecting only the hands and knees, older adults often suffer from osteoarthritis of the spinal column. Osteoarthritis results from everyday wear and tear on the tendons and joints of the body. After 40,…

August 30, 2018

If you live in Wasilla and are expecting a baby, congratulations! This is an exciting period in your life whether it is your first or your fifth child! While this is a time for joyful celebration, it can also be…


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