4 Best Treatments for Loss of Balance In the Elderly

Loss of balance among people 65 or over is a common occurrence. It is one of the top reasons for falls among the elderly. Preventing and treating balance problems take many different forms, depending on the cause of the issue. Dizziness, inner-ear problems, musculoskeletal problems, medication interactions, and dietary habits can all cause balance problems […]
5 Natural Fixes to Scoliosis — No Surgery Required!

Whether you’re dealing with adult scoliosis or you have a child that is showing a lateral curvature of the spine, scoliosis can be scary. Many physicians take the “wait and watch” approach for children, but there are risks to this approach. There are better ways to deal with scoliosis. That’s why we want to share […]
Can a Chiropractor Sign Short-Term Disability for Time Off Work?

Navigating the world of short-term disability requirements can be difficult. This fact is compounded when you’re injured, in pain, or ill. The last thing you need is to visit the wrong kind of doctor who isn’t eligible to sign you off work. That’s why we get questions about chiropractors signing people off work for short-term […]
The Dangers of Delayed Whiplash: How Worse Does It Get?

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]There’s nothing fun about a car accident. Even minor accidents can cause problems, especially in the neck area. Unfortunately, whiplash symptoms don’t always show up right away. When whiplash symptoms don’t occur right away, it’s called delayed whiplash. And, depending on its severity, it can be dangerous. Whiplash symptoms […]
Best Chiropractic Treatments for Shoulder Impingement

Like most other joints in the body, the shoulder is subject to different irritations, injuries, and issues. Shoulder impingement is common, but it’s also often confused with other shoulder issues. In order to properly treat impingement syndrome, you must first identify it as such. Most shoulder impingements do not require surgery. Conservative treatments, like chiropractic […]
5 Natural Ways to Relieve Sciatica During Pregnancy

Sciatica is incredibly common during pregnancy. It can be so bad that some women have trouble walking even a short distance. Plus, sleeping is hard enough during pregnancy— it’s nearly impossible when you add sciatica to the mix. Fortunately, there are a number of natural ways to relieve sciatica during pregnancy. Keeping yourself and the […]
7 Secrets to Release Muscle Knot in Your Shoulder

Muscle knots are an irritating problem that can happen anywhere in your body, especially on your shoulders. The good news is muscle knots can be easily released. By using various techniques, such as chiropractic massage, you can heal your body. This article will explore a few other ways you can release one. Muscle Knot Symptoms […]
Feeling Weird Due to Toxic Release After Chiropractic Adjustment?

Your body might feel a little weird after a chiropractic adjustment. Don’t worry though – this is completely normal. Many times it’s the result of toxic release. Toxic release occurs after a chiropractic adjustment because it flushes harmful particles out of your body. As these toxins move out of your bloodstream, they will make you […]
4 Types of Chiropractic Neck Adjustment Techniques

Many people turn to chiropractic care to help ease neck pain. You might be interested to learn more about these adjustments. There are four main types of chiropractic neck adjustment techniques. These use various methods to provide pain relief. This article will explore more behind these common techniques. 1) Cervical Mobilization Cervical mobilization focuses on […]
What Happens if a Torn Rotator Cuff Goes Untreated?

The shoulder is a complex joint. Pain in the shoulder area can be caused by many different things, but one of the most common is a torn rotator cuff. Diagnosis and outlook for rotator cuff tears vary depending on the extent of the injury. For most, the pain and weakness aren’t enough to seek immediate […]