The Pros, Cons, And Everything You Want to Know about Spinal Decompression

Are you one of the many Americans who are suffering from back pain and live in fear of the words “spinal decompression”? Or do you take the opposite attitude and find that you have a spare room in your home filled with inversion tables, boots, and similar devices but find that you still have back […]
Physical Therapy- What it Is and What it Isn’t

Physical therapy seems like a fairly straight forward profession, correct? Rehabilitation exercises help to restore strength and range of motion after an injury, misuse, or overuse of certain parts of the body. Physical rehabilitation techs are the people you love to hate. They can cause you pain, they can push you harder than you dreamed […]
9 Ways to Make Exercising in Cold Temps Suck Less (But Do So Safely)

It’s another winter in the US and for most of us, that means very little sun, very cold temps, and the increasing desire to chuck all exercise plans out the window until spring. Sound familiar? Sometimes, it feels as if winter will never end, that it’s too cold to exercise (or even leave the house) […]
7 Truths about Chiropractic Every Fibromyalgia Patient Should Know

One of today’s most common yet baffling chronic pain issues is fibromyalgia. The American College of Rheumatology estimates that 1 in every 50 Americans currently suffers from this disease. That number is most likely higher since many people suffer in silence or are never properly diagnosed. The exact cause of this disease is as of […]
Top 5 Ways Effective Chiropractic Massage Can Change Your Life

The word “massage” alone can make you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and sigh with remembered pleasures. An age-old remedy, therapeutic massage has been proven to be an effective remedy for many musculoskeletal problems and a terrific compliment to chiropractic treatments. Chiropractic and massage therapy have a great deal in common, such as […]
7 Signs You Are Embracing Bad Posture

Chances are that if you are 25 or older, you probably have bad posture. Most people pay no attention to posture until they develop problems. Posture really doesn’t seem all that important to most of us. Your mother nagged you about it, but that was just for looks, right? Seriously, who cares? Nope, sorry folks, […]
6 Things Every Drinker Must Understand about Back Pain

Drinking and back pain are delicate subjects for some people, especially those who have a drinking problem. However, many people want answers to specific questions, such as Can alcohol make my back hurt? Is Sciatica caused by alcohol? Why does my lower back hurt after drinking? Is it possible that drinking can lead to back […]
5 Tips for Fibromyalgia Patients Who Are Ready for a Change

For those who have fibromyalgia, or if you know someone who does, the widespread sensitivity, depression, migraines, insomnia, and, perhaps most of all, debilitating pain is the stuff nightmares are made of. Worse yet, so many people don’t even believe that fibromyalgia is a “real thing.” Most likely because it’s not something that you can […]
5 Reasons to Think Twice Before You Work Out with Back Pain

In today’s world, no one wants to be a quitter. Which is why many people believe that it’s necessary to “push through the pain” if they want to achieve or maintain fitness goals. If your back is hurting, however, is this always a good idea? That would depend on several factors that you should consider […]
The Biggest Back Pain Mistake You Don’t Want to Make

Anytime we feel pain in our backs or necks, it’s a cause for concern. After all, what would we do without our spine? There are usually two groups of people when it comes to reacting to back pain. There are those who ignore the pain and hope that it goes away, and those who are […]