7 Myths about Curing Sciatica That Just Won’t Die

Sciatica pain has been around since at least 1764, when an Italian anatomist, Domenico Cotugno, wrote about it in a book. You would think that after all this time, some of the myths surrounding sciatica would have become ancient history, but some myths just won’t die. If you or someone you know is suffering from […]
5 Steps for Correcting Repeated Subluxations (And Preventing a Reoccurrence!)

Virtually anytime you go to see your chiropractor, chances are you will hear them say “you have a vertebral (or several) subluxation.” What does this mean exactly and why does it continue to happen? When your chiropractor speaks of subluxation, they are usually referring to a misalignment in your spine, especially in the lower back […]
Top 5 Cervical Spondylosis Treatments

If you have chronic neck pain and headaches that just don’t seem to go away no matter what you try, you could have cervical spondylosis. If you have been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis you might be wondering what you did to cause this and how you can reverse it. Cervical spondylosis goes by several names, […]
5 Steps to a Wonderful Winter Without Back Pain

Winter is here, and everyone is so excited about all the upcoming events that winter brings; the holidays, winter sports, playing with your kids in the snow, parties and get togethers, the enjoyable things to do in the winter seem endless. That is, unless you suffer from back pain due to cold air. Most people […]
Chiropractor Recommended Mattress: Which Is Best for Back Pain?

When you consider that the average person will sleep eight hours a day (or one-third of each day), then that means you spend one third of your life in bed, which translates to about 25 years, then it’s easy to understand why picking the right mattress is so important. Add in the fact that at […]
5 Tricks to Unlocking Improved Health with Chiropractic

There are some things in life you have no control over and just have to learn to live with it. Your height, your skin color, and the color of your eyes, for example (colored contacts not withstanding). However, every day, you have the opportunity to make decisions regarding your mental, physical, and emotional health. The […]
The Best Tendonitis Home Treatment Advice You’re Not Taking

Whether you are talking about your wrist, elbow, knee, or shoulder, tendonitis, and its cousin bursitis are painful and troublesome problems that can affect anyone at almost any age. The pain of tendonitis usually comes on gradually, hurting just a bit more each day until one day, you simply can’t use the joint because it […]
6 Extreme Home Remedy Tactics for Whiplash

UGH, whiplash. If you have ever had it, you know just how painful this condition can be! If you haven’t had it, consider yourself lucky. If you know someone who is suffering from this right now, this article will be very beneficial. Let’s face it, not everyone can head off to their chiropractor whenever they […]
6 Myths about Sprains and Strains (And What the Difference Is!)

If you have ever sprained your ankle or strained your back, you know how terribly painful these conditions can be. For those not involved in the medical field, the words sprain, and strain are often used interchangeably, even though they are different injuries. What is the difference between a sprain and a strain? What Is […]
Disc Degeneration: 5 Ways to Beat Pain and Stay Sane

One of the most common causes of low back and neck pain is due to degenerative disc disease. While this is called a “disease”, it’s actually nothing more than wear and tear on the discs in the spinal column that come from age and everyday movements. The neck and lower back are typically the areas […]