5 Ways to Take Control of Your Fibromyalgia (Symptoms, Treatments, and More!)

5 Ways to Take Control of Your Fibromyalgia (Symptoms, Treatments, and More!)

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, you probably know more about your condition than most doctors. In the not so distant past, complaints about wide spread pain and fatigue would lead doctors, and even co-workers and family members, to declare that you were lazy or even a bit crazy. Doctors just refused to believe that […]

5 Tools for a Pinched Nerve You Probably Didn’t Know About

5 Tools for a Pinched Nerve You Probably Didn’t Know About

Are you suffering with the pain of a pinched nerve? While these can occur almost anywhere in the body, the usually occur in the spine, the neck, elbows, and the wrist. If you are asking yourself “What can I do for a pinched nerve?”  we have answers for you. Pinched nerves happen when too much […]

5 Ways Yoga is Great for Those with Scoliosis

Scoliosis. It’s not as uncommon as you might think. An estimated 4 or of every 1,000 children will develop it and while it mainly makes itself known in childhood or early adolescence, it can strike at any time. While the reasons some people develop this curvature of the spine and others don’t isn’t fully understood […]

Hands Down, the Best Way to Deal with the Pain of Sciatica

Hands Down, the Best Way to Deal with the Pain of Sciatica

If you or someone you know is suffering from the unrelenting pain of sciatica, we hear you! Back pain can be very deceiving and confusing when it happens. While many people experience pain in a similar area (such as the lower back) the source of the pain can actually come from different areas or causes. […]

What’s the Most Effective Treatment for Bursitis of the Knee?

What’s the Most Effective Treatment for Bursitis of the Knee?

Bursitis of the knee is a painful condition that causes aches in the area and can make it difficult to move around and perform your everyday tasks. Knee bursitis can also limit your range of motion, and prevent you from doing certain exercises you may have in your routine. The good news is that knee […]

5 Ways To Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

5 Ways To Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you have tingling or numbness in your wrist, hand, or arm, you may be a bit worried about the potential of carpal tunnel syndrome. Given our current culture’s obsession with scrolling, clicking, and using our hands and thumbs in somewhat unnatural ways on smartphones, tablets, computers, etc., the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome is […]

10 Ways to Relieve Morning Stiffness from Rheumatoid Arthritis

10 Ways to Relieve Morning Stiffness from Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an incredibly painful condition. It involves your immune system attacking your joints for no known reason, creating internal wear and tear of the cartilage that cushions bones from rubbing against one another, and keeping necessary fluids from running through the joints. The aches, pains, and stiffness that come along with this condition […]

Everyone Should Know These 5 Things about Curing Bulging Discs

Curing Bulging Discs

At least 80 percent of all Americans will feel back pain at some point in their life. Back pain is so common that it is the #2 reason people go to the emergency room and the #1 reason people take time off from work. The majority of people who are diagnosed with bulging discs are […]

Stop Herniated Disc Pain When Sleeping and Sitting

Stop Herniated Disc Pain When Sleeping and Sitting

When a herniated disc causes you pain it can be nearly impossible to find relief. Sitting down doesn’t seem to help. Neither does laying down. This can make every hour of the day an exercise in pain. Luckily, there are ways you can find relief both sitting and sleeping. Read on to discover the best […]