Physical Rehabilitation Therapy or Chiropractic: What Do I Need?

Your pain may make it obvious that some form of medical help is needed. However, where should you turn first? How can you know what kind of care will most suit your situation? What types of services would most benefit you and your condition? Wondering which is better, a chiropractor or physical rehabilitation therapist? Let’s talk about […]
How to Find Relief From Your Arthritis Pain?

If you suffer from arthritis, you’re acutely aware of the kind of pain that comes with it. It can be anything from a dull, chronic, daily ache to a sharp, stinging, sudden pain when a certain movement triggers the condition. Relief is hard to come by, as arthritis is a degenerative disease that tends to […]
5 Terrible Things That Happen to Your Back When You Sit All Day

Someone recently said that sitting is the new smoking. Unfortunately, most of us are asked to sit for hours on end at office jobs, typing away at computers, sitting in meetings, and on our seemingly endless commutes. It’s hard to imagine how “resting” can be hard on the body but holding any position for very […]
5 Things You Must Know about Spinal Decompression Today

If you are one of the 80% of American’s who suffer from chronic low back pain, especially if that pain is caused by herniated discs, you might have tried everything possible to find pain relief, including exercises, massage, heat packs, perhaps even epidurals, but found pain relief to be temporary at best. Have you considered […]
The 5 Best Ways to Soothe Sciatic Pain Courtesy of Your Chiropractor

If you are experiencing a sharp, shooting pain that starts at your lower back and goes down the back of your leg, you are probably experiencing the pain of sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the largest one in the body and can be found in the lower part of the back, near the buttocks. It […]
8 Simple Reasons for Sitting Up Straight (You Won’t Believe #4)

You might not be aware of it, but the way you stand, sit, and even walk, have an impact on our health, well-being, and even our mood. Unless you are a professional dancer or in the military, where poor posture is obvious, you probably don’t think much about it, but you should! In fact, many […]
5 Ways Chiropractor Provides Relief from Spinal Arthritis

While many people think of arthritis as affecting only the hands and knees, older adults often suffer from osteoarthritis of the spinal column. Osteoarthritis results from everyday wear and tear on the tendons and joints of the body. After 40, this type of arthritis can be quite common. Any joint in the body can be affected, and […]
6 Insane Ways to Save Wasilla Residents from Prenatal Back Pain

If you live in Wasilla and are expecting a baby, congratulations! This is an exciting period in your life whether it is your first or your fifth child! While this is a time for joyful celebration, it can also be a time of sheer frustration! In addition to morning sickness and an aversion to certain […]
5 Ways to Prevent and Conquer Neck Pain Using Chiropractic Care

We’ve all had those mornings, right? You wake up and your neck is so stiff, you can hardly turn it to one side or the other. Most of us say we “slept on it wrong” or something similar, and many times, it goes away on its own. What happens when it doesn’t? Or what do you […]
How to Keep Your Back Safe While Doing Yard Work in Juneau

Fall is well on its way, and with it comes copious amounts of leaves that need raking. Your lawn quickly turns from a beautiful, lush, picturesque green scene to a collection of dead leaves practically overnight. When this happens, it’s hard to resist the impulse to get out there and clean it up ASAP, right? […]