How Does a Juneau Chiropractor Manipulate the Spine?

How Does a Juneau Chiropractor Manipulate the Spine?

“Spinal manipulation therapy” sounds pretty intimidating, we’ll admit. You might be thinking, “A chiropractor is going to manipulate my spine? What does that even mean? How does spinal manipulation work?” But don’t worry, “manipulating” the spine is basically a medical term for setting the spine back into its natural alignment through a variety of hands-on […]

5 Tactics Juneau Runners Can Use to Protect Their Backs

5 Tactics Juneau Runners Can Use to Protect Their Backs

Did you know back pain is one of the most common injuries in the world? Estimates say that, 80% of Americans will feel back pain, especially low back pain. This is also true for runners. If you have felt no discomfort, lower back tightness while running, or pain in your upper back after running, we […]

How to Protect Your Back While Running in Wasilla

Unfortunately, back pain happens to all of us at some point in our lives. Whatever the cause, it’s uncomfortable, even painful, and can hold you back from doing the things you love most. For runners, back pain can be even more acute, because it can keep them from doing their usual running routine, out of […]

Fascinating Facts about Your Back (#9 – Who Knew?)

Fascinating Facts about Your Back (#9 - Who Knew?)

Let’s face it; we humans take our back for granted. We assume that it will always be there and support us in whatever we want to do. Perhaps this is where the phrase “I got your back” comes from. When you consider that your spine holds tissue that is highly sensitive, not to mention a […]

Best Physical Therapy Type Exercises

Best Physical Therapy Type Exercises

Physical therapy exercises are a great approach to holistic healing and wellness, no matter your physical condition. Many people look to physical rehab after an injury or traumatic incident like a car crash to get them back on their feet, but it’s also great for people who just need a little more support in order […]

How To Find The Best Massage Therapist in Juneau

How To Find The Best Massage Therapist in Juneau

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5 Things Chiropractic Massage Therapists in Wasilla Want You to Know about Safety

5 Things Chiropractic Massage Therapists in Wasilla Want You to Know about Safety

Are you in Wasilla and are suffering from low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain or other type of musculoskeletal pain? Have you been in a car or work place accident? Has your doctor prescribed massage therapy? Are you considering taking charge of your health and being proactive by checking into chiropractic care combined with […]

When to Worry About Your Headaches

When to Worry About Your Headaches

Headaches can bring a frustrating and mind-numbing experience to your day. Even seemingly small headaches have the potential to become a distraction from the tasks we seek to accomplish. There you are freely enjoying your day, and then it begins. Maybe the pain starts small or completely surprises you. Work time and fun family days […]

How Can Chiropractic Help TMJ? What You Need to Know

How Can Chiropractic Help TMJ? What You Need to Know

Pain anywhere in the body is not something that we plan or look forward to enduring. Yet, when it impedes our ability to enjoy Grandma’s famous pie, we may develop a whole new opinion about pain in the jaw! Having the sensation that each jaw motion may freeze or stop movement entirely can cause you […]

4 Questions about Morning Aches & Pains that You’re Too Afraid to Ask

4 Questions about Morning Aches & Pains that You’re Too Afraid to Ask

Let’s get right to the point. We know the answer to the question that no one wants to hear. The question? Why do I wake up feeling like a truck hit me? The answer you don’t want: Because you are getting old. At one time or another, everyone wakes up stiff and sore, but if […]