5 Exercises to Avoid When You Have Spinal Stenosis

If you suffer from spinal stenosis, you are likely familiar with pain. Often, exercise can help the condition. But some exercises should be avoided. In fact, some exercises can worsen your condition and exacerbate your symptoms. The following types of exercise should be avoided: Heavy Lifting, Twisting and Bending, High Impact Sports and Workouts, Long […]
Conservative Hip Labral Tear Tests

Do you think you suffer from a hip labral tear? Do you want to find out for sure? You’ve got a few options: There are a number of conservative tests to detect hip labral tears. The most common include the Hip Impingement Test, The Straight Leg Raise Test, The FABER Test, and the THIRD Test. […]
8 Signs of a Pulled Back Muscle

Back pain could indicate a pulled back muscle, or something worse. Know the signs of a pulled muscle so you can seek the proper treatment. There are a number of different signs of a pulled back muscle. Common ones include: pain, tenderness, spasms, soreness, swelling, cramping, pain from moving, and relief in Inactivity. The Symptoms […]
Natural Ways To Fix Spinal Stenosis – Without Surgery!

Have you been diagnosed with spinal stenosis? If so, don’t rush into surgery unless you have to. There are conservative treatments that may help. Although there is no cure for spinal stenosis, a number of conservative therapies exist which can help you manage your condition and reduce even the most bedeviling symptoms. You can start […]
Massage Away Your Occipital Neuralgia Pain

Occipital Neuralgia is a painful, problematic type of headache. Treatment usually begins with a combination of conservative therapies incorporating various types of massage. Occipital Neuralgia (ON) is somewhat mysterious. It is not fully understood beyond the fact that it is a result of a disturbance to the Greater, Lesser, or Third occipital nerves. Initial conservative […]
Avoid These Exercises If You Have L5-S1 Disc Problems

If you are suffering from a bulging or herniated disc in the L5-S1 spinal level, there are specific exercises you should avoid. Generally, you want to avoid exercises that bend your L5-S1 joint forward or twist it out of alignment. The following exercises are not helpful and should be avoided: deadlifts, contact sports, sit-ups, hamstring […]
How Long Does It Take an L5-S1 Bulging Disc To Heal?

If you suffer from a kind of electric shock and sharp pain in your lower back, you may have a bulging disc in your back. If you’ve been diagnosed with a bulging disc, you can expect the disc to take roughly four weeks to heal. This initial time to heal will be followed by another […]
Find Relief from Labral Tear Hip Pain at Night

If you suffer from labral tear hip pain at night, you may fear that there is no option for relief. But that’s not true. The pain caused by a hip labral tear at night often can be successfully managed with a variety of conservative techniques and tips. These include such simple adjustments as choosing the […]
Two Common Tests for Cervical Radiculopathy

If you suffer from neck pain that radiates into your upper extremities, you may be suffering from cervical radiculopathy. There are ways to treat it. However, other conditions can masquerade as cervical radiculopathy and sometimes, vice versa. So, if you truly think you have cervical radiculopathy the first logical step is to find out for […]
9 Exercises To Avoid With SI Joint Pain

Are you suffering from SI joint pain and worried about what you can and cannot do? Check out this list of exercises you should avoid. A common treatment for SI joint pain is exercise. But not all exercises are equal. In fact, some should be avoided. If you suffer from SI joint pain, avoid these […]