Feeling Weird Due to Toxic Release After Chiropractic Adjustment?
by Dr. Brent Wells

Your body might feel a little weird after a chiropractic adjustment. Don’t worry though – this is completely normal. Many times it’s the result of toxic release.
Toxic release occurs after a chiropractic adjustment because it flushes harmful particles out of your body. As these toxins move out of your bloodstream, they will make you feel a bit strange. This could lead to some side effects that last about 1-2 days.
What is Toxic Release After a Chiropractic Adjustment?
After you have a chiropractic adjustment, you might notice that your body feels a bit strange. While this might concern some, it’s a normal thing and a sign that the adjustment released toxins stuck throughout your body.
The toxic release will start to usually occur during or slightly after your adjustment. It happens when your chiropractor releases subluxations. These block normal blood flow around your spine which results in pain and inflammation. When your chiropractor removes them, it will open up proper blood flow again. This can overwhelm your body at first, something which can lead to toxic release symptoms.
How Long Does Chiropractic Toxic Release Last After Chiropractic Adjustment?
Chiropractic toxic release should go away within a few hours or days depending on your body. However, if you notice the symptoms aren’t going away after a week, it might be good to visit our trusted Better Health Anchorage clinic. They can direct you with your next steps and determine if you need to visit a medical professional.
Keep in mind that you might have to go through a few episodes of toxic release depending on your health needs. While they usually won’t be as intense as the first, until all the toxins are removed from around your spine, joints, and muscles, you might experience some minor side effects for a few chiropractic sessions.
Chiropractic Toxic Release Symptoms

- Fever
- Sweating
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Dizziness
Are There Benefits to Toxic Release?
It might not seem like this problem would have many benefits, but it does. While you’ll have to muster through its symptoms for a few days, you’ll find that your body will feel much more energetic. In addition to this, your brain will function better because it can properly communicate with the affected nerves. If you suffer from anxiety, you might find that your body feels more relaxed. This is because there aren’t toxins irritating your nervous system. While the symptoms might feel weird at first, it’s a sign that the adjustment is effective.How to Treat Toxic Release After Chiropractic Adjustment?

After a back adjustment, these are the things I advise my Better Health Alaska patients to do to relieve their discomfort.
1) Drink Water
Water will help the toxins quickly move out of your body. It will flush them through your bloodstream and then through your bladder where they will later be discarded. This could help your body recover faster.
You’ll want to drink as much water as you can, ideally around eight cups each day. This won’t only keep you hydrated but will encourage the toxins to be released from your body.
To ensure you get enough minerals during this recovery, add some lemon juice to the water. This contains electrolytes, like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, that will help your muscles stay healthy and function better. Electrolytes could reduce toxic release pain and even prevent certain symptoms.
2) Take a Nap
Always make sure to rest your body after a chiropractic adjustment. It’s crucial to not try to fight through the symptoms. This could be very dangerous because your body is doing its best to recover. If you overwhelm it, your symptoms will only get worse.
After your chiropractic appointment, it’s vital to rest as soon as you can. You might want to consider taking a day off of work or having someone drive you to and from the appointment to be on the safe side.
Even in the days following your appointment, try to rest. You don’t have to stay in bed and sleep, but don’t overexert yourself. Try to find calm activities to do, like reading or watching a movie. Find out other things you can do after a chiropractic adjustment here.
3) Eat Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetables will fill your body with beneficial vitamins and minerals. These can aid in reducing pain and even boost your energy. Besides this, they contain antioxidants that can keep your muscles and bones strong.
Some options you can add to your diet to assist with this are:
- Cranberries
- Raspberries
- Cherries
- Tomatoes
- Spinach
- Kale
It’s crucial to eat as much of these as you can. You want to try to fit in at least one serving of each per meal.
You’ll also want to make sure to stay away from processed or sugary food. These unhealthy choices could make your toxic release symptoms worse.
4) Try Yoga
You might feel sore and weak due to toxic release, but yoga can stop those symptoms. At first, it could be hard to push through the side effects, but you’ll start to notice that moving and stretching your body can make you feel significantly better.
There are plenty of options you can attempt for this. Here is a handful many chiropractors recommend.
5) Cat-Cow Pose
The cat-cow pose can release left-behind tension. The movement will also increase blood flow around your spine.
To begin, get down on the floor on all fours. Keep your palms and the tops of your feet firm on the ground. Slowly arch your back as high as you can. Hold the pose for a few seconds and then return to the original position. Then, curve your stomach toward the ground. Hold for a few seconds and then release. Continue this process a few more times.
6) Cobra Pose
The cobra pose is a great way to keep your bones strong. It also reduces fatigue and can help you breathe better by opening up your lungs.
First, lie facedown on the floor. Lift your arms so that they make a 90-degree angle at your sides. Keep your head looking down toward the ground and then use your arms to slowly lift your chest off of the ground. As you do this, make sure to take a deep breath. Once you’ve lifted your chest as far as you can, slowly exhale. After a few seconds, slowly lower your body back toward the ground. Repeat this motion five more times.
Keep in mind that while doing this pose you never want to extend your neck. If you push it toward the ceiling, you could strain or even dislocate vertebrae.
7) Bound Angle Pose
If one of your biggest side effects is fatigue, the bound angle pose is ideal. It will increase blood circulation which can flush toxins and increase your energy. The pose can also help keep you relaxed.
The first step is to sit on the ground. Bring the bottoms of your feet together so that your legs make a diamond-like shape. Once this is done, slightly press your heels together and gently push them down with your hands. As you do this, try to move your knees toward the ground while moving your stomach up. Hold this pose for a few seconds and then release. Repeat it three more times.
Toxic release is a common side effect of chiropractic adjustments and another misconception people have is that adjustments hurt, it doesn’t. While it can be a little scary feeling weird after, it’s a sign that your body is recovering from a toxin overflow.
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